
The Art Studies Journal assigns an editorial team that reviews accepted submissions. Before submitting, the author/s should make sure that their name/s and institutional affiliation/s are removed from the manuscript and that the submission document itself is anonymized. Images and figures should be properly captioned according to MLA guidelines. All submissions (12 points Times New Roman, double-spaced in A4-sized document) should be sent as .doc or .docx via email to The journal does not accept previously published materials and those that are currently in consideration for publication in another journal or other platforms. 

For Research Articles

An approximate word count of 3,000 to 5,000 words for body text and maximum of 2,000 words for Endnotes and Works Cited, using the MLA citation system, 9th edition. An abstract and a maximum of five (5) keywords should also be included. Research articles submitted should be theoretically framed and must be on par with the standards of critical scholarship accepted by international academic journals.

For Reviews:

An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for body text concerning a publication, art exhibition, or exposition of forms of media texts. Selected publication should be published within the past two years from the date of submission. Selected art exhibition and exposition of forms of media texts should be mounted or written within a year prior to the date of submission. Reviews submitted must be on par with the standards of critical scholarship accepted by international academic journals.

For Research Notes and Artist Notes:

An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for the text and image captions.

For Class Syllabi:

An approximate word count of 1,000 to 2,000 words for the body, which should include the course description, objectives, course outline, readings and materials list, and class activities/requirements.

For Artistic Productions:

Digital or digitized artistic output accompanied by a 500 to 1,000-word artist statement, which the artist may choose to publish alongside the work. The artist/s should discuss other specifications with the editors before submission. 

For Other Formats and Lengths:

For submissions that are beyond the formats and lengths listed above, the author/s should discuss their intended submissions with the editors before submission. 


The authors are responsible for securing expressed permissions from copyright owners for the use and reproduction of the photographs and other media in their submissions. The journal will not be liable to any damages related to copyright infringement. A copyright declaration form will be provided upon the author/s’ submission.